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Snoop Dogg’s IT Guy

A member registered Jan 20, 2021

Recent community posts

its already fixed in the week 7 update only you know its still a timed exclusive on newgrounds

fixes for bugs that are only present on the mac version of the game

the entire game aside from those fixes is identical to the current itch browser version and the windows version

ps1 games are different to ps2 games in terms on how the DRM works

for a homebrew game to be run on the ps1 without a bunch of exploits and shit they would have to be made the same way a retail ps1 game is made 

even then if it was a homebrew game it wouldn’t work on the ps1 or ps2 without jumping through a bunch of hoops of exploits/mods

iirc the stretch goal was to make copies that easily work on real hardware and potentially getting sony to publish the game/localise it for different regions

*laughs in using the scroll bar to scroll down to the bottom in a second*

having played them all a lot they're all easy to me now but i had the most trouble with milf when it was new

yes! the PS2 and PS3 are fully backwards compatible with PS1 games

however the kickstarter ends in like 40 or so hours and we're still far from reaching the PS1 stretch goal which sucks tbh as the PS1 port would have been awesome.

running minecraft on its own shows how much the ram matters

get good

the official mobile port will be released when its done and as its a port of the full ass game it’s gonna be a while until then

(1 edit)

when the timed exclusivity with newgrounds ends and only newgrounds and the fnf team know when that is

what are you talking about?

mac doesn’t have week 7

i can’t make music for shit

though i did make music from premade loops from a 23 year old pc game


i’m gonna say the n word…


youtube’s privacy message ruined your plans

week 7 will eventually come to

but upgrade your pc 2gb ram is far too weak for the game. my macbook that has 8gb ram will not run the game without lag

theres 2.5 ways of play fnf on android

1. the luckydog7 port (unofficial and works offline)

2. foned in (unofficial and uses web browser so you need to be online for it to work)

the .5. there is an official port coming as it was one of the first kickstarter stretch goal which was hit. however its not out yet and it’ll be a while until it is out


i gathered that i only use it for friday night funkin updates and update for other games

a bit late as i never use but heres my week 4 score

yup though i will hardly be active like usual as i never use communities its good to be back. 

i came back here wondering why ninjamuffin deleted his twitter but i found out now.

it cannot but i don't recommend going back to the base game until the week 7 update is made as a download as the kade engine provides bug fixes not present in the regular base game (though once week 7 does release as a download i will gladly use it as its new note fixes feel really good)

what you'd see from me is just stuff about the game and mods really

you won't particularly see much of me tbf as i rarely ever use

in all fairness what else do you expect to see from someone named total garbage lol

thanks for the correction i mistyped by mistake and didn't notice

ninja muffin confirmed in a tweet that the browser loading on the week 7 update now takes around 3 seconds to load thanks to a change on how the assets are loaded

when the impostor is sus

(1 edit)

its not keith 

ninja muffin confirmed that boyfriends name is boyfriend

in the games splash text file (introText.txt) you can see the lines

“his name isn’t keith dumb eggy lol” and

“his name isn’t evan silly tik tok”

tbh i didn’t think this post meant to put it on the microsoft store i thought it was to release it in some form on the chromebook

it comes out when its ready

people found this already though as its pretty useless its not wildly shared

i remember seeing this in the comment section of a video

what in the cinnamon toast fuck are you talking about

my brain reading this post 

*dial up sounds intensifies*

tonights the night

lets live it up

i got my money

lets spend it up

go out and smash it

like oh my god

jump off the sofa

lets take it on